A great big thank you to everyone who helped to make our Fall Blood Drive a success! The drive was held on Tuesday, November 15, 2011. United Blood Services of Ventura County appreciates the opportunity to replenish the county blood supply with the help of La Reina parents and students. Twenty five pints were collected. UBS joins with us in thanking these donors whose generous "gift of life" we acknowledge today.
Thank you to the following seniors who donated blood:
Lindsay Baker, Brianna Blinzler, Terra Bjerken, Cassidy Budig, Alex Burgos, Sara Chesser, Tiara Cox, Emily Esteban-Baughman, Kara Frank, Ellie Grubaugh, Madeline Lynch, Marie Mitchell, Nicole Quance, Cassie Remington, Morgan Simcik, Rebeka Torres, Ivana Vergot, Devin Walton, and Hannah Young.