Wednesday, July 17, 2013


La Reina High School is pleased to announce the "Spirit of La Reina" awards.  Three awards will be given annually to:
  • An alumna
  • Alumnae parent(s)
  • Current parent(s).

These individuals will be recognized for:
  • Their personal values which reflect La Reina's philosophy and spirit, specifically Gospel-living, community and family spirit, loyalty, a global perspective, leadership for justice, integrity, service and responsible citizenship
  • Distinguished service to La Reina, service which has had a profound impact on the entire school community over the years.

This award:

  • Differs from the Distinguished Alumna Award which recognizes an alumna for sharing her talents with the community.
  • Is designed to recognize volunteers, and so current and former staff member are not eligible.
  • Will be presented at the annual Parent Guild Auction, held on the first Saturday in November.

Current parents, alumnae parents, alumnae and staff may make nominations.  Award winners will be determined by the LRHS faculty and staff. 

Follow this link for the Nomination Form.  Please note that nominations are due by July 31, 2013.
For further information, contact Sr. Lisa Megaffin at or 805-495-6494, ext. 382.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


The Sisters of Notre Dame are hosting a Jubilee Reception in the LRHS gym on Saturday, July 13.  Student, parent and alumnae volunteers are invited to help with various aspects of the event. 

Centerpiece Preparation and Gym Set-up
Friday, July 12, 1:00 until approximately 4:00 p.m.

Reception Hostesses
Saturday, July 13, 1:00 p.m. until approximately 4:00 p.m.

"Many hands and many hearts work miracles."  To volunteer, please contact Sr. Lisa Megaffin at or 805-402-8623.  All volunteers can be assured of the prayerful gratitude of the Sisters of Notre Dame.